When I returned back to myself, I looked to the stars and my soul calmed. I listened to the ocean and soul roared.


The night I met my Viking.

All I could do was run — move — towards the ocean. It was dark. The only light guiding me was the stars — the only sound, waves. I ran towards the break in the reeds. A path leading me to water.

I couldn’t breath, for if I did, the air I’d inhale would come out as soft screams.

“Just get to the water” my soul told my body.

I lost my shoes when gravel turned to sand. I sprinted and fell at the shore line — low tide.

I wept. I begged the waves to take me. It would be so easy to quietly drift off to sea ——

I found my breath gasping for air. The salt and the moon igniting my senses. I sat and marveled at the infinite sea. The infinite starry sky. And, I felt overcome that it all existed within me. The incredible beauty that surrounds me — I am humbly a part of it.

When I returned back to myself, I looked to the stars and my soul calmed. I listened to the ocean and my soul roared.